
I was about to send the mail to d-d-a as agreed in the meeting today and started looking into previous mails and appointments and I think we may have made a mistake thinking that Didier's and Tollef's terms expire this year.

They were both appointed on March 8th 2015:

The term limit is defined in the constitution:

What it says:

"On January 1st of each year the term of any Committee member who has served more than 42 months (3.5 years) and who is one of the two most senior members is set to expire on December 31st of that year."

On January of this year (2018), Didier and Tollef had served on the committee 34 months. On January of next year (2019), they will have served 46 months. So their terms are set to expire on December 31st of 2019, not 2018

Am I reading this wrong? If I'm not, then I guess we can halt our recruitment efforts?


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