Hey Sam,

Sorry it took us so long to get back to you on this.

Sean and Ian already had quite some interesting discussion on this subject. And
we also talked about this issue during our monthly meeting in June [1].

The rough consensus from our discussion is that the technical committee can always be consulted when policy editors don't see consensus among developers, but we feel it's the role of policy editors (and not the TC) to decide on what
to do about policy, informed by what the whole project is doing.

At least this advisory role is our understanding of how the Constitution
defines the role of the TC.

Of course, there is scope for doing more in the way of constructive consensus building, and you've been doing some great stuff in that direction. There doesn't seem to be anything that makes the TC in any way uniquely qualified for this work (possibly the reverse), so people that are good at that should just get on with it regardless of whether they are TC members, DPLs, or anyone else.

There's been a lot of unhappiness sort-of-recently regarding the role of the TC. In particular, the fact that raising an issue to the TC causes a lot of friction and people need to almost be having a flame-war before coming to us. So, it might make sense to actually discuss the role of the TC and how this situation can be improved during the TC BOF at DebConf19 next week (Friday July
26th - 14:30 DebConf time).

[1]: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2019/debian-ctte.2019-06-19-18.59.log.html

Marga (with input from Phil and David)

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