Dear all,

We think we might have a consensus on the following resolution text.  We
could be wrong, as the judgement of consensus has been made by just a
few of us.  We agreed in our meeting today that I'll start a vote a week
from today unless a ctte member asks for a delay.  Thus, we expect to
close this bug approximately two weeks from today.

Many thanks to Simon for a previous draft of this text.


1. Offer advice:

   The debianutils package must continue to provide the which(1) program
   until a compatible utility is available in a package that is at least
   transitively essential in Debian 12.

   For the Debian 12 release, we expect which(1) to be in either an
   Essential package or a transitively Essential package (that is, a
   package that is depended on by an Essential package).

2. Overrule maintainer of debianutils:

   The which(1) program must not print any deprecation warnings.

3. Decline to overrule maintainer regarding use of alternatives:

   If another package takes over responsibility for which(1), then the
   debianutils maintainers and the other package's maintainers should
   coordinate to choose a suitable mechanism, which might be either
   versioned Depends/Breaks/Replaces, dpkg-divert, alternatives or
   something else.

4. Overrule maintainer of debianutils:

   The debianutils package must continue to provide the tempfile(1)
   program until a compatible utility is available in a package that is
   at least transitively essential in Debian 12.

   For the Debian 12 release, we expect tempfile(1) to be in either an
   Essential package or a transitively Essential package.

5. Overrule maintainer of debianutils:

   Programs in debianutils must not be moved to /usr until we have a
   project-wide consensus on going ahead with such a move, and any
   programs that have already been moved must be moved back.  In
   particular, this means debianutils must contain /bin/run-parts and
   /sbin/installkernel for the time being.


Sean Whitton

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