On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 11:33:25AM +0200, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Sean Whitton
> > * Do we want to start systematically announcing decisions to d-d-a right
> >   after we make them?
> I think we should make it part of the decision where to post it.
> Things like the rename.ul issue do not warrant a d-d-a posting, but a
> note on debian-devel might make sense.

I think posting all our decisions except administrative matters to d-d-a
would be good and would further improve transparency and awareness of
the frictions inside the project. It's not like such decisions are very
frequent - we have made three decisions per year in the past two years.

At least all maintainer overrulings would IMO warrant a d-d-a announcement,
refusals to overrule perhaps a bit less so. 

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