On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 21:26, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       BTW, content type of application/texinfo is also a legel
>  content type. As is application/x-cpio, application/x-csh,
>  application/x-tar, audio/x-midi,  image/postscript, text/x-csh,
>  video/x-sgi-movie, x-conference/x-cooltalk, and text/x-patch
>       By your argument, they are all legal ways to encode email.

No. By my argument, 'application/texinfo' and 'image/postscript' are
legal ways to encode email, since these are document formats. Indeed, if
you were to send me such a thing, I probably wouldn't think twice about
reading it in some appropriate viewer.

>       I think I'll start sending you the message as encoded as
>  application/x-debian-package or application/dvi, since they are all
>  equally legal.

'application/dvi' also is a document format, and
'application/x-debian-package' isn't; see above.


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