The messages resulted from a toasted news gateway.  Within minutes after
the incident we have taken action and have blocked that system from further
posting as well as informing its maintainer.  Since our mail system is
very fast several such mails went through, at least 1-5 per list.



Michael Bramer wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 1998 at 03:59:04PM -0600, Steve Corder wrote:
> > Very recently (i.e. today), I began receiving several unusual messages
> > addressed to the 
> > and the
> > mailing lists.  I say "unusual" because none of these messages were in
> > English, and unless I'm badly mistaken (it's happened before) some (if not
> > all) of them have to do with cars...
> > 
> > Is this just happening to me, or is everyone on the lists getting these
> > messages?
> I get this messages too.
> Are the mail rot13-mails?

No, they were polish.



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                                                -- The GNU Manifesto

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