On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 09:40:19PM +0100, Richard Braakman wrote:
> If you upload a package with "frozen unstable" (or just "frozen",
> see previous announcement) in the changelog, it will be held in
> Incoming and dinstall will tag it with "CONFIRM".  Then the
> Release Manager (that's me) or his deputy (I'm looking for one)
> will look at it and install it by hand, or install it only in
> unstable, or reject it.
Just for clarification, porters should now set hack_changes_for_frozen, ie
add a "frozen" to the changelog of every package they port?
> Remember that I will be _very_ busy during this time.  I try to
> reply to all my mail, but I may be swamped in the near future.
Good luck!

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