Report about packages that need work for Jun 15, 2001

Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 31
Number of packages offered up for adoption this week: 2
Total number of orphaned packages: 94
Number of packages orphaned this week: 39

The number in parenthesis after each package name is the corresponding
bug report number.

Please refer to for more information.


The following packages are orphaned:

[NEW] ascii (#100209), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] biomode (#100215), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] bioperl (#100208), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] bmv (#100207), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] clustalw (#100213), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)
     Reverse Depends: seaview

[NEW] dbf2sql (#100216), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] debian-graphics (#100217), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] debian-graphics-nonfree (#100218), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] fastdnaml (#100220), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] fastlink (#100221), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] filerunner (#100718), orphaned yesterday
     Description: GUI FTP / local file manager

[NEW] gnomekiss (#100227), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] grandfatherclock (#100228), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] grunch (#100230), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] gsumi (#100231), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] hx (#100234), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] kbackup (#100237), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: kbackup

[NEW] mcvert (#100243), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)

[NEW] multicd (#100245), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] muttprint (#100246), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] ncbi-tools6 (#100247), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: blast2 vibrant-dev ncbi-tools6-dev readseq njplot

[NEW] newsclipper (#100702), orphaned yesterday
     Description: generates websites based on others

[NEW] njplot (#100249), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] phylip (#100251), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)

[NEW] procmail-lib (#100254), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] pronto (#100255), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] puzzle (#100256), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] readseq (#100257), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: bioperl biomode

[NEW] sdf (#100260), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] seaview (#100261), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] sharefont (#100262), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)

[NEW] snap (#100263), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] tree-puzzle (#100265), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: puzzle

[NEW] treetool (#100266), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)

[NEW] type1inst (#100268), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: anti-aliasing-howto

[NEW] user-de (#100269), orphaned 5 days ago
     Reverse Depends: task-german

[NEW] vgacardgames (#100270), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] vgagamespack (#100271), orphaned 5 days ago

[NEW] xphoon (#100273), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: sets the root window to a picture of the moon

   acm (#93337), orphaned 67 days ago
     Description: A multi-player aerial combat simulation.

   arla (#88115), orphaned 105 days ago
     Description: A free client for the AFS distributed network

   asclock-gtk (#91943), orphaned 79 days ago
     Description: An X11 desktop clock with theme support

   barracuda (#93965), orphaned 61 days ago
     Description: Web based Task Tracking (and document directory) System

   dbf2mysql (#93897), orphaned 62 days ago
     Description: xBASE <--> mySQL

   debauch (#74697), orphaned 244 days ago
     Description: A malloc debugger

   distributed-net-pproxy (#94213), orphaned 59 days ago (non-free)
     Description: Personal proxy for clients

   dome (#93868), orphaned 62 days ago
     Description: calculates and draws geodesic domes

   echo-linux (#80490), orphaned 171 days ago (non-free)
     Description: French on-line magazine "L'Echo de Linux"

   epan (#99734), orphaned 12 days ago (non-free)
     Description: offline ethernet protocol analyzer

   faqomatic (#98955), orphaned 18 days ago
     Description: Online interactive FAQ cgi

   frad (#87949), orphaned 106 days ago
     Description: Frame Relay Tools for DLCI/SDLA Drivers in 2.0/2.1

   htmlgen (#72438), orphaned 262 days ago
     Description: Generation of HTML documents with Python scripts.
     Reverse Depends: task-python-web task-python-dev gnats2w

   icqlib (#89582), orphaned 92 days ago
     Description: icq library implementation
     Reverse Depends: libicq-dev

   ilu (#87431), orphaned 110 days ago
     Description: Inter Language Unification system
     Reverse Depends: ilu-guiledev ilu-elisp ilu-doc ilu-dev ilu-examples

   ines (#93891), orphaned 62 days ago (non-free)
     Description: Emulator for the NES/Famicom/Dandy game system

   kdebindings (#90815), orphaned 83 days ago
     Description: C bindings for DCOP (Development files)
     Reverse Depends: libkdexparts-dev task-kde-devel libdcopc-dev

   kdetoys (#89596), orphaned 92 days ago
     Description: Bunch of resource wasters for KDE
     Reverse Depends: task-kde-games

   kicq (#89583), orphaned 92 days ago
     Description: ICQ client for KDE
     Reverse Depends: task-kde-extras

   knews (#86390), orphaned 117 days ago
     Description: Graphical threaded news reader

   krusader (#84536), orphaned 132 days ago
     Description: File manager for KDE
     Reverse Depends: task-kde-extras

   langdrill (#88244), orphaned 104 days ago
     Description: Language Drills

   libfloat (#90878), orphaned 83 days ago
     Description: Soft floating point library
     Reverse Depends: libfloat1-dev

   libliteclue (#95503), orphaned 48 days ago
     Description: "balloon help" Widget library - runtime
     Reverse Depends: libliteclue-dev

   lshell (#93894), orphaned 62 days ago
     Description: Enforce limits to protect system integrity.

   metrics (#93864), orphaned 62 days ago
     Description: Tools for software metrics ( LOC/Halstead/kdsi/McCabe).

   mgt (#89959), orphaned 89 days ago
     Description: a game record display/editor for the oriental game of

   mh (#91939), orphaned 79 days ago
     Description: Rand mail handling system.
     Reverse Depends: exmh xlbiff

   mserver (#80924), orphaned 166 days ago
     Description: Network Modem Server

   mutt-ja (#98835), orphaned 19 days ago
     Description: Text-based mailreader for Japanese.

   nasm-mode (#87965), orphaned 106 days ago
     Description: NASM mode for XEmacs

   osh (#89433), orphaned 94 days ago
     Description: Operator's Shell

   psptools (#68594), orphaned 313 days ago
     Description: Tools for PostScript printers and devices
     Reverse Depends: task-printing

   python-gendoc (#74812), orphaned 242 days ago
     Description: Documentation generation from Python source files
     Reverse Depends: task-python-dev

   qub (#88135), orphaned 105 days ago
     Description: The Q Universal Boardgame
     Reverse Depends: qub-dev

   rpm2html (#90880), orphaned 83 days ago
     Description: Generate HTML index from directories of RPMs

   rrlogind (#83344), orphaned 141 days ago
     Description: Login daemon for the Road Runner Cable Modem Service

   sharc (#92655), orphaned 73 days ago
     Description: Sendmail H? Access and Relay Control

   ssh2 (#99950), orphaned 7 days ago
     Description: a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp

   swish-e (#88975), orphaned 98 days ago
     Description: Simple Web Indexing System for Humans

   vrweb (#87388), orphaned 110 days ago
     Description: vrml viewer

   wfrench (#99991), orphaned 7 days ago
     Description: French dictionary words for /usr/share/dict

   wmscope (#98250), orphaned 24 days ago
     Description: Graphical representation of sound waves in a dockapp

   wmtop (#98251), orphaned 24 days ago
     Description: Dockapp that displays 3 top memory or CPU using

   xcolorsel (#82446), orphaned 150 days ago
     Description: display colors and names in X

   xcopilot (#98925), orphaned 18 days ago
     Description: Pilot emulator

   xmbdfed (#90056), orphaned 89 days ago
     Description: X11 font editor

   xmhtml (#99004), orphaned 17 days ago
     Description: A Motif widget for display HTML 3.2
     Reverse Depends: grace xmhtml1-dev

   xpaste (#92255), orphaned 76 days ago
     Description: A program to display the contents of the primary paste

   xpuzzles (#68096), orphaned 550 days ago
     Description: collection of puzzles for X/LessTif

   xringd (#93318), orphaned 67 days ago
     Description: Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take

   xxgdb (#90145), orphaned 88 days ago
     Description: A X front-end to the GNU debugger gdb

   yc-el (#74643), orphaned 245 days ago
     Description: Yet another Canna client for Emacsen
     Reverse Depends: task-japanese

   youbin (#80357), orphaned 174 days ago
     Description: The conventional mail arrival notification server.
     Reverse Depends: xyoubin

   zed (#80925), orphaned 166 days ago
     Description: powerful, multipurpose, configurable Text Editor


The following packages are up for adoption:

[NEW] latex2html (#100373), offered 4 days ago
     Description: LaTeX to HTML translator.
     Reverse Depends: task-tex

[NEW] pentium-builder (#100372), offered 4 days ago
     Description: force pentium optimized compilation

   admesh (#84744), offered 131 days ago
     Description: processing triangulated solid meshes

   auto-pgp (#68134), offered 927 days ago
     Description: pgp tools for command line and emacs

   bf-utf (#93561), offered 65 days ago
     Description: international fonts for boot-floppies
     Reverse Depends: boot-floppies

   bugsx (#86636), offered 115 days ago
     Description: evolve biomorphs using genetic algorithms

   clif (#86241), offered 118 days ago
     Description: C language interpreter

   elk (#91818), offered 80 days ago
     Description: The Extension Language Kit, an Scheme implementation
     Reverse Depends: sced

   fvwm1 (#68146), offered 562 days ago
     Description: Old version of the F(?) Virtual Window Manager

   giram (#96740), offered 37 days ago
     Description: 3D modeller for POV-Ray

   green-card (#82597), offered 148 days ago
     Description: A foreign function interface preprocessor for Haskell
     Reverse Depends: green-card

   haskell-doc (#88224), offered 104 days ago
     Description: assorted Haskell language documentation

   hyperlatex (#72437), offered 262 days ago
     Description: Creating HTML using LaTeX documents

   knl (#90310), offered 87 days ago
     Description: Query/set kernel image parameters.

   libelf (#91802), offered 80 days ago
     Description: an ELF object file access library
     Reverse Depends: screen snmpd queue mol inn2-inews libelf0-altdev
     ddd libelfg0-dev scsh inn2 loadwatch elk make clif snmp sced

   libnss-db (#92354), offered 75 days ago
     Description: DB based Name Service Module

   mpsql (#89957), offered 89 days ago (non-free)
     Description: A graphical frontend for PostgreSQL

   nase-a60 (#68184), offered 564 days ago
     Description: Algol-60 interpreter

   openacs (#81850), offered 155 days ago
     Description: ArsDigita Community System

   p3nfs (#95747), offered 46 days ago
     Description: NFS access to Psion 3/5

   pacman (#89251), offered 95 days ago
     Description: Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth

   peruser (#88383), offered 103 days ago
     Description: Suite for offline reading and composing of Usenet

   php3-dbase (#68235), offered 405 days ago (non-free)
     Description: dbase module for PHP3 (apache)
     Reverse Depends: libdbf1.6-dev dbf php3-dbase php3-cgi-dbase

   python-gnuplot (#72441), offered 262 days ago
     Description: A pipe-based interface to the gnuplot plotting program
     Reverse Depends: task-python-web

   siag (#92447), offered 74 days ago
     Description: The SIAG Office suit
     Reverse Depends: tsiag egon siag-common xsiag xpw siagoffice-plugins

   stringlist (#88384), offered 103 days ago
     Description: libstringlist0 and libstringlist-dev
     Reverse Depends: libstringlist-dev

   tkmail (#88385), offered 103 days ago
     Description: X Window System mail reader using Tcl/Tk

   tkstep8.0 (#84748), offered 131 days ago
     Description: The NEXTSTEP(tm)-like version of the Tk toolkit
     Reverse Depends: itk3.0 octave-plplot ucbmpeg plplot-tcl expectk5.24
     tkstep8.0-dev nte

   xipmsg (#97148), offered 34 days ago
     Description: IP Messenger for X11

   xwpe (#85054), offered 128 days ago
     Description: Programming environment and editor for console and X11

   zope-pygresqlda (#87976), offered 106 days ago
     Description: A Zope Database Adapter for PostgreSQL

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