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        We are now one week into the nomination period for candidates
 for the post of the Debian Project Leader. The nomination period
 started on 2002/02/06, one week ago, and shall end in two weeks, on
 February 27, 2002 (Wed, 27 Feb 2002 23:59:59 +0000 for the
 pedantically inclined).

         Prospective leaders should be familiar with the constitution,
  but, just to review: there's a three week period when interested
  developers nominate themselves, followed by a three week period with
  no nominations [intended for campaigning], followed by three weeks
  for the election itself.

         Please make sure that nominations are sent to (or cc:'d to)
  debian-vote, and are cryptographically signed.

        I intend to collect platform statements from the candidates,
 and publish them on a known location (somewhere under
 www.debian.org/vote) at the end of the nomination period and the
 beginning of the campaign, which makes it roughly the 27th of
 February, 2002.

         I suggest that the candidates send the platform, preferably in
  HTML/SGML, to the secretary at least a couple of days before the
  publication date. (I tentatively suggest Feb 25th).

         This should give the candidates enough time to craft their
  platforms, I should think. The format of the web page is open to
  discussion, but I suggest there be at least three sections:
   a) Introduction/Biography
   b) Major Goal/ Meat of the platform,
   c) Rebuttal.

         After the publication, there share be a one week period for
  each candidate to create a rebuttal, and the rebuttals shall be
  published on the 7th of march.

         Voting shall start on the 21st of March, 2002, and shall last
  for 3 weeks, ending on the 10th of April.

- --
 "But Huey, you PROMISED!" "Tell 'em I lied."
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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