Barring any changes, the final schedule for Debconf is appended. Of
special note is the talk on Friday, July 5 by Damian Conway: this is not
a Debconf-specific talk but was co-inciding with Debconf, so we took
advantage of the coincidence. Damian is supposed to be an absolutely
fabulous speaker. You can find out more about his talk at .

Any further questions, just ask.

Friday, July 5  "Introductions"
Up to 3:00pm    Arrival and registration with Hospitality York
3:00-3:30pm     Introduction - Joe Drew, DPL
3:30-4:30pm     Commercial use of Debian -, HP, etc
4:30 and later  Keysigning, general talking and getting-to-know one
6:00-9:00       Extreme Perl - Damian Conway 
Saturday, July 6        "Down to Business"
10:00-11:00am   Porting Debian: Lessons Learned - Bdale Garbee
11:00-11:45am   Free Software in Brazil - Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
1:00-3:00pm     Security Enhanced (SE) Linux in Debian - Russell Coker
3:00pm-5:00pm   debconf at Debconf - Joey Hess
6:00pm  Catered dinner
Sunday, July 7  "What next?"
10:00am How to support users - David B. Harris
12:30pm New initscript systems - Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
2:00pm  The Linux Standard Base and Debian - Matt Taggart
3:00pm  Let's jumpstart debian-installer - Joey Hess

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