Recently the Ogg bitstream format (the container format employed for the
well-known Ogg Vorbis audio code) has been designated an official MIME type:
"application/ogg"; for details see .

It would be good to see Debian support this MIME type as much as possible.

This includes
- Having Ogg-playing and -creating packages follow the Debian MIME support
  sub-policy (/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/mime-policy.txt.gz) and register
  themselves as MIME handlers for the application/ogg media type.
- Deprecating the unofficial MIME types used for Ogg and Ogg Vorbis files,
  in particular "application/x-ogg" and "audio/x-ogg", while keeping in mind
  the principle of "be liberal in what you accept and be careful in what you 
  send out". Packages that read/play/edit Ogg bitstreams should continue to
  register for the deprecated MIME types, but we should only use
  "application/ogg" when generating MIME output.
- Taking care to distinguish between Ogg (a container format) and Ogg Vorbis
  (an audio file format / code employing the Ogg container format). This
  will make it easier for us to support other Ogg-using formats like the
  Ogg Theora video codec in the future.

If you work on packages that deal with Ogg or Ogg Vorbis files, please make
the appropriate changes.

If you work on packages that deal with other types of multimedia data,
please check that you have implemented the MIME support sub-policy to the
maximum applicable extent.

Below is an (incomplete) list of changes for application/ogg support.


abcde: Should probably register with the MIME system as a "compose"
        application for application/ogg.

alsaplayer: Should register as a player for application/ogg in addition to 

apache: mime.types needs updating.

apache2-common: /etc/apache2/magic should be updated (and probably extended
        with a lot of magic patterns from the "file" package as well).

audacity: Should register with the MIME system.

        could be renamed and should be changed to suggest "multimedia stream
        container" rather than "audio".

gnome-libs-data: Should get a "application/ogg" entry in addition to the
        "application/x-ogg" one.

        - /etc/gnome-vfs-mime-magic should be changed
        - /usr/share/mime-info/gnome-vfs.keys needs updating:
          - drop the "audio" in application/x-ogg's description
          - change the category
          - s/freeamp/zinf/
          - clone into application/ogg

gqmpeg: Should probably register with the MIME system.

grip: Should probably register with the MIME system as a "compose"
        application for application/ogg.

gstreamer-player: Needs an "application/ogg" part as well.

jack: Should probably register with the MIME system as a "compose"
        application for application/ogg.

mc: /etc/mc/mc.ext should call "run-mailcap application/ogg" rather than
        "run-mailcap application/x-ogg".

mcplay: Should probably register with the MIME system.

mp3c: Should probably register with the MIME system as a "compose"
        application for application/ogg.

music123: Should probably register with the MIME system.

rhythmbox: Should register with the MIME system.

ripperx: Should probably register with the MIME system as a "compose"
        application for application/ogg.

vlc: Should probably register with the MIME system.

vorbistools: Should register for application/ogg as well.

xine: Should register with the MIME system (for mp3 as well).

xmms: Should register as a handler for "application/ogg" as well.

zinf: Needs to register with the MIME system.
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