On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 07:54:53PM +0100, Samuel Mimram wrote:

Hi list,
I finished packaging the xslint (semantic lint checker for XSL) [0]
application and I would like someone to sponsor and upload the previous
You can find it in:

deb http://www.openlabs.it/~stex/debian/ ./
deb-src http://www.openlabs.it/~stex/debian/ ./

It refers to the bug [1].

Thank you in advance




* Package name    : xslint
  Version         : 0,0,5
  Upstream Author : Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
* URL             : http://nwalsh.com/xml/xslint/
* License         : GPL
  Description     : semantic lint checker for XSL

  XSL Lint is a semantic lint checker for XSL. It detects:

   * An incorrect XSLT URI.
   * Failure to provide a version.
   * Duplicate match patterns.
   * Modes that are used but never defined
   * Modes that are defined but never used
   * Named templates that are used but never defined
   * Named templates that are defined but never used
   * Templates that use name= where match= was probably intended
   * xsl:call-template elements that contain anything other 
     than xsl:with-param
   * Variable/parameter references that are not defined at the point of
   * fo: elements that aren't part of the XSL 1.0 PR.
   * fo: element properties that aren't part of the XSL 1.0 PR.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=287143&msg=4
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