On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 01:01:58AM +0200, Franco Vite wrote:
> > Debian's 10th Birthday. The word is out as Alexander Neumann
> > [30]noticed and Debian will turn 10 this August. Anniversary parties
> > are planned on several places on this planet. Details are not yet
> > available and there will probably be more parties organized, but
> > preparations for events in [31]Japan, [32]Australia, [33]Germany,
> > [34]Great Britain and the [35]US were already started.
> noi, qui in italia, non facciamo nulla?
> non dico ad agosto (follia), ma a settembre?

Si potrebbe provare a concretizzare la piccola Debian Conference
italiana di cui si parlava tempo fa... per il decennale!!!

Christian Surchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ICQ     
www.debian.org - www.softwarelibero.it - www.firenze.linux.it    | 38374818
You own a dog, but you can only feed a cat.

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