Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 03:31:53 -0500
Source: xfree86
Binary: xserver-common xlibs-dev xfs xfree86-common xfonts-pex x-window-system 
xlibmesa-dev xspecs xlibmesa3 xfonts-cyrillic xlibmesa3-dbg xserver-xfree86 
xlibs-dbg libxaw6 libxaw7 xterm xvfb xfonts-scalable xfonts-75dpi xlib6g 
proxymngr libxaw6-dev xlibs-pic libdps1-dbg xlib6g-dev xfonts-base xutils 
libxaw7-dev xnest xlibs libxaw6-dbg xmh lbxproxy libxaw7-dbg 
xfonts-base-transcoded xbase-clients xprt xlibosmesa3 x-window-system-core 
xlibosmesa-dev twm xfwp xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xlibosmesa3-dbg xfonts-100dpi 
xdm libdps-dev xfonts-75dpi-transcoded libdps1
Architecture: m68k
Version: 4.1.0-13
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Debian/m68k Build Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Changed-By: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 lbxproxy   - Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
 libdps-dev - Display PostScript (DPS) client library development files
 libdps1    - Display PostScript (DPS) client library
 libdps1-dbg - Display PostScript (DPS) client library (unstripped)
 libxaw6    - X Athena widget set library (version 6)
 libxaw6-dbg - X Athena widget set library (version 6) (unstripped)
 libxaw6-dev - X Athena widget set library development files (version 6)
 libxaw7    - X Athena widget set library
 libxaw7-dbg - X Athena widget set library (unstripped)
 libxaw7-dev - X Athena widget set library development files
 proxymngr  - X proxy services manager
 twm        - Tab window manager
 xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
 xdm        - X display manager
 xfs        - X font server
 xfwp       - X firewall proxy server
 xlibmesa-dev - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library development files
 xlibmesa3  - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
 xlibmesa3-dbg - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library (unstripped)
 xlibs      - X Window System client libraries
 xlibs-dbg  - X Window System client libraries (unstripped)
 xlibs-dev  - X Window System client library development files
 xlibs-pic  - X Window System client extension library PIC archives
 xmh        - X interface to the MH mail system
 xnest      - nested X server
 xprt       - X print server
 xserver-common - files and utilities common to all X servers
 xserver-xfree86 - the XFree86 X server
 xterm      - X terminal emulator
 xutils     - X Window System utility programs
 xvfb       - virtual framebuffer X server
Closes: 122121 125834 128749 128807 128826
 xfree86 (4.1.0-13) unstable; urgency=HIGH
   * the "this is what happens when you leave files with names like 'foo' and
     'butt' lying around in the debian/ directory of your source package"
   * high-urgency upload because I accidentally broke imake on all
     architectures except arm, m68k, powerpc, and s390
   * really apply patch #450: new; Alex Williamson's ia64 patch to avoid
     programmed I/O in the ATI driver (Closes: #125834)
   * patch #063: new; fix for nonstandard textmode restoration on Matrox G450
     (thanks, Greg Norris) (Closes: #122121)
   * patch #907: fix cut-n-paste error which broke the xterm default foreground
     and background colors (Closes: #128807)
   * debian/local/dexconf: if config file exists but
     move_existing_nondebconf_config is true, ignore the existing one and
     overwrite it
   * debian/{xdm,xserver-common,xserver-xfree86}.templates.es: updated Spanish
     translation (thanks, David Martínez Moreno)
   * debian/xserver-xfree86.config: when backing up existing non-debconf config
     file out of the way, cp istead of mv'ing (Closes: #128826)
   * debian/xserver-xfree86.templates:
     - documented how to specify multiple XkbOptions
     - fixed bad paragraph separator and repeated word typo
   * debian/xutils.files: really ship /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
     (Closes: #128749)
   * debian/xserver-xfree86.postinst.in: if managing config file with debconf,
     always force move_existing_nondebconf_config to false and not seen after
     calling dexconf
 b8ebf834ed893b181c2c8892ddc8eaf4 122072 x11 optional lbxproxy_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 cb5807e1093d5444930016fbf8537825 171144 libs optional libdps1_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 d35c57dde99c5e75cc90350ca6fe951c 427564 devel extra 
 5d2cd654e8f9ec971c8fb96434d4d786 226762 devel optional 
 94efc4c5e5dd06db6c8f62fe379e186b 158022 libs optional libxaw6_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 7e9df06980f838771822f8978eacfe92 335274 devel extra 
 e3ef894b8a4e8609882eceb7bdaf1b8c 277636 devel extra 
 37fafd2e4897fe695e7c52ee317b1cdb 202402 libs optional libxaw7_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 8126d41c44b30927fc26bff9b334e340 437720 devel extra 
 af5b87d4be2f2224ff9f85d4f4bb38dd 277518 devel optional 
 4f1efa54b9912771f0bc153bb83e357b 69924 x11 optional proxymngr_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 6496ddeb970166695cd9c4d944d57518 142406 x11 optional twm_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 2591dd433562b5bd05fd8c02c0ec3d2b 1374164 x11 optional 
 cc5dff8a44feb261e86e62a77b520f5b 159818 x11 optional xdm_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 9c438141153ac60263e6e91f3ae770d6 250920 x11 optional xfs_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 02bf2a43a7e318ae4d9d7cd002b8c94a 74276 x11 optional xfwp_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 f50b1f70988639296adb31312fe831ec 329756 libs optional 
 9e98b5d0ed03322484117516e5310a9f 858606 devel extra 
 3800590ea7cbfe10eb68400d490979ff 514052 devel optional 
 c845830c77cb44e759f287b7a88f4030 1176300 libs optional xlibs_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 02c3d9f6c521f764a5d52577ec045e95 2569720 devel extra 
 10929de783aa41f1aca9ae8aebae223c 2641234 devel optional 
 f05fb10ba0024f55547771ae62560bbd 67128 devel optional 
 22bd31e0b16a919ba3e4b2cd07c2c56b 116980 mail extra xmh_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 60b12df7c1f229d3738698ea142410ef 1228850 x11 optional xnest_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 47ed204239a17e59d7c8d939bdc59267 1000268 x11 optional xprt_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 0b5e62092975edf94dcbf4ff4b0411db 93770 x11 optional 
 874f40bac448ed66033bcf24c9204c61 3477554 x11 optional 
 aaf43834ac7c76589c2d3b0c3f3c7662 446020 x11 optional xterm_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 d37d4d1d5b501a68d0e94f77841fa139 546048 x11 optional xutils_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
 b8c757197b48c76b27d29dd50745170f 1319438 x11 optional xvfb_4.1.0-13_m68k.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.6 and Gnu Privacy Guard 


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