On Sun, 22 Oct 1995, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

> Could this be included in the base system?
> I'm willing to write a dialog based perl script modeled after the a2gs 
> script to do papersize configuration.
> Any other ideas?

Someone -- Ian J. I think -- once fielded a package which set up
a default /etc/papersize with a guess based on the system's timezone.
Seemed like a neat idea to me.  I wonder if all of the Americas
use U.S. papersizes.  I think Asian countries generally use U.S.
sizes as well.  Does Africa use European papersizes?  How about
the Mideast?

Hmmmm.... ex Soviet block, Asia, Mideast, and Australia share
timezones.  Maybe it's not so neat a solution after all.

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