On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> I have tried several times to get the bug list manager of Carl Streeter 
> to return bug info to me. So far I have gotten no response. Does this 
> list manager still work? Is there a better way to obtain a specific bug 
> report?

Ooh, my name in lights!

Other than the fact that bug reports aren't updating right now, I *think* 
everything is (still) working.  I'm working on the updating problem right 
now.  Is there anything not working besides the fact that things haven't 
been updated since some time in November?

Carl Streeter                     |  "I'll forgive even GNU emacs as long 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |     as gcc is available" --Linus Torvalds
Just another Perl hacker          |  "You've got a body in the garage, minus 
Ask me about Debian/GNU Linux.    |     a head.  Take me to it."  --The Wolf

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