On Sat, 23 Dec 1995, Robert Leslie wrote:

> I haven't yet made any changes to let BIND do cacheing nameservice by
> default. I'd also like to think about making libresolv into a shared library,
> and possibly splitting up the package into several smaller packages: bind
> (nameservice daemon, sample zone files, /etc/named.boot, /etc/init.d/bind,
> misc docs), resolv (runtime resolver shared library, /etc/resolv.conf),
> resolv-dev (resolver include files and .so link, docs), & dns-utils (nslookup,
> dig, etc.)

I'm going to put my foot dangerously close to my mouth here, as I'm away 
from my debian system, but...  I think that nslookup will work on a 
system with only /etc/hostname lookup, right?  If so, I think that the 
DNS utils should probably get folded in with the runtime package that has 
the resolver library and /etc/resolv.conf.

Otherwise, it's a great idea, and the implementation details are of 
secondary concern ;)

Carl Streeter                     |  "I'll forgive even GNU emacs as long 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |     as gcc is available" --Linus Torvalds
Just another Perl hacker          |  "You've got a body in the garage, minus 
Ask me about Debian/GNU Linux.    |     a head.  Take me to it."  --The Wolf

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