On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, Mark W. Eichin wrote:

> I'll note that while the man page suggests a #CHK_FAT=FALSE option,
> the strings appear nowhere in the executables, leading me to suspect
> that it isn't actually recognized.
> Release information: debian 0.93r6

Thanks for reporting this.  The fix is in the works, and I'm
closing this bug report in anticipation of its appearaance.

This problem generally shows up on DOS partitions which have
been shrunk with fips.exe.  The shrinkage leaves the partitions
with an illegal FAT which mtools-2.0.7 chokes on.  There was
a compile time option to turn off the FAT check, and I modified
the debian implementation to offer this as a run time option via
mtools.ref.  Unfortunately, I inadvertantly neglected to compile
my changes into the uploaded package.  Oops.

I'm fixing this in mtools-2.0.7-15 for the elf distribution,
and will also provide a mtools-2.0.7-15a package to be
retrofitted into the 0.93 a.out distribution.

There's a new mtools program in the works, planned to be released
as mtools-3.0.  I'll be retiring mtools-2.0.7 in favor of that
when it appears.  (2.5.x is in beta testing now)

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