Package: debian-policy

On 20000830T184956-0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:51:47PM +0300, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> > The definition is the following:
> > 
> >      It is not be necessary to explicitly specify build-time relationships
> >      on a minimal set of packages that are always needed to compile, link
> >      and put in a Debian package a standard "Hello World!"  program written
> >      in C or C++.  The required packages are called _build-essential_, and
> >      an informational list can be found in
> >      `/usr/share/doc/build-essential/list' (which is contained in the
> >      `build-essential' package).
> > 
> > (Debian Policy v., section 2.4.2.)
> I can't find a bug open regarding the obvious grammatical error at the
> beginning of this paragraph ("It is not be").  Is someone aware of it
> nonetheless?
> I imagine it should read "It is not necessary...".
> -- 
>  - mdz

Why didn't you file the bug then?

(I believe it originally said "it will not be" and then somebody
edited it.)

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