On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 04:59:27PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > A thread came up here a little while back about installation scripts
> > sometimes not being able to use debconf for security or other
> > reasons.
> That's not particularly accurate. 

Sorry ;-)

> > So what about introducing a dpkg-postconfigure program which runs
> > package.postconfig files after any dpkg run has finished, in an
> > analagous way to dpkg-preconfigure.  Only this time, it will be only
> > for things that *must* wait till post-installation, and cannot use
> > debconf for whatever reason.  There shouldn't be that many of these,
> > but it would probably be a good idea to introduce this soon as we move
> > to non-interactive installs.
> This is not necessary, it is perfectly possible to prompt for passwords
> or anything else in the postinst, using debconf, if you feel that is
> necessary for security reasons or whatever other reason.

But then it might interrupt the installation process.  Just as debconf
asks all of the preinst questions before any of the packages have
started unpacking, it would be nice to be able to defer any questions
that *have* to wait for the postinst until the very end, when all of
the packages have been installed.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://www.debian.org/~jdg
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com/

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