On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 02:51:46PM +0200, Paul Slootman wrote:
> Actually, that used to be a problem (I've had that as well, where an
> incorrectly configured X e.g. for a different card caused an infinite
> loop of switching to X and back again, so that you never have the
> chance of switching with alt-ctrl-F1 and staying there).  Nowadays xdm
> detects that the X server is looping, and after a couple of times
> stops restarting the X server.  This has saved me once or twice.
> Thanks, Branden! (or was it someone else's work?)

The code to do this has existed in xdm for a very long time, but XFree86
always shipped with it turned off.  I turned it back on (it just involves a
few resource settings for the display manager, see the xdm manpage), and
sent patches to XFree86 a long time ago, but the patch was ignored, and
Dirk Hohndel basically told me I was an idiot for doing so, because it
might unexpectedly terminate the server in the quite common case of four X
session logins in a row that averaged less than 6 seconds each...

If you're saying, "Huh?" right about now, that's okay, because I did too.

G. Branden Robinson             |   Experience should teach us to be most on
Debian GNU/Linux                |   our guard to protect liberty when the
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   government's purposes are beneficent.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |   -- Louis Brandeis

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