On 12/24/2000 13:13, Mark Brown at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Spam to the Debian mailing lists tends to be especially annoying since
> the spammers always seem to hit each and every mailing list (or at
> least, a large number of them), which makes each spam much more
> noticable.

The GIMP-user and GIMP-Dev lists suffer the same problem. I've seen very
little SPAM on the Debian lists I'm on, but the GIMP lists see it all the
time which is annoying!


Carl B. Constantine             ([EMAIL PROTECTED])    Phone: 250.953.2650
Open Source Solutions Inc.                           Fax: 250.953.2659
4252 Commerce Circle, Victoria, BC.  V8Z 4M2      http://www.os-s.com/

     "I feel like a genocidal maniac when emacs asks me if I want
                       to kill 10789 characters."

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