On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 01:15:54PM +0100, Stefan Hornburg wrote:
> auth     required     /lib/security/pam_warn.so
> auth       requisite  /lib/security/pam_mysql.so host=localhost 
> database=snailrace user=racke password=nevairbe table=users usercol=id 
> passwordcol=crypt crypt=y

This is wrong. First of all, we don't use pam_warn on Debian (if you're
intent is to make this work on Debian). Secondly, never use the full
path to the module. Lastly, the auth module should be "requisite". So
try this (note, I know nothing about the pam_mysql module, but I do know

auth    required        pam_mysql.so host=localhost database=snailrace 
user=racke password=nevairbe table=users usercol=id passwordcol=crypt crypt=y

Note, this is very bad indeed. For one, you need to make this file's
permissions something like 600, so normal users cannot read it.
Depending on what user the pop3 service is run under, you might also
need to change the owner of the file so that the daemon can have access
to it.

Lastly, are you sure that "pop3" is the service name used by the
program? Note, this has nothing to do with the service name listed for
the port it is using, so check the source for the call to pam_start(),
and check the first argument passed to it. That is the service name, and
the name of the file expected in /etc/pam.d/

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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