Tim Bell wrote:
> Now I'm sure Ben is plenty busy with libc6 and whatever else he does,
> and I don't mean to blame him for this slipping through.  But the
> thought that bugs are getting closed without being fixed is worrying.

That's my point. A package like libc6 is burdensome. It would not be
fair to expect that a single person will always be able to keep a high
level of responsiveness. It is worrisome that some bugs just go unnoticed
because of shortage of volunteer time or for some other reason because
this hurts the overall quality of the distribution. I think quality is
one thing that Debian can and must surpass other distributions. I strongly
feel that packages, especially important/big ones must have multiple developers
/ peer reviews and we should have some sort of check on how well the bugs have
been evaluated.

Still, I must apologize because the bug I reported was inaccurate, and all
that. However, I would not have reported it if there was no problem. No bug
should be closed without some investigation and communication by the maintainer.

BTW, might bugzilla be better than Debian BTS in some aspects? Just a thought...


Eray (exa) Ozkural
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo

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