On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 05:46:35AM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> > how about diffs bethween dinstall runs?..
> sorry, but i don't understand here. dinstall is a server side thing here?

yes, when dinstall runs it would copy the old packages file to, lets say,
packages.old and create it's changes to the new file.. after it's done it would
diff packages.old and packages...

> > packages-010102-010103.gz
> > packages-010103-010104.gz
> > packages.gz
> > 
> > apt would download the changes after the last update, and merge these to
> > the package file, if the file gets corrupted, it would attempt to do a full
> > update.
> on the top, some pkg-gz-deb lists packages on the leaf of dependency tree,
> and each of pkg-gz-deb won't get bigger than 100k, and each of them depends
> on some more basic pkg-gz-deb
> below, some other pkg-gz-deb like the base sub-system.
> this way, when user install xdm,
> apt-get first install pkg-gz-deb which lists xdm, then as dependency checking,
> it will install base-a-pkg-gz-deb etc. ect., then xdm got installed, this way,
> all xdm's dependency will be fulfiled with the newest information avalaible.
> and you can see this will surely ease up the band-width. (when update gcc, i
> won't get additional bits of Packages.gz about xdm xfree etc.)

wouldn't this make it a BIT too difficult?

every nerd knows how to enjoy the little things of life,
like: rm -rf windows

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