On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 08:13:26PM +0100, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> Suggestions to the script are welcome, esspecially: How do I make
> debconf popup a checklist like:
> +----------------------------------------+
> | What distributions should be mirrored? |
> |                                        |
> | [ ] potato                             |
> | [ ] woody                              |
> | [ ] sid                                |
> |                                        |
> |   < OK>                      <CANCEL>  |
> +----------------------------------------+
Maybe I am stupid. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to ask for 
> +----------------------------------------+
> | What distributions should be mirrored? |
> |     Dist.     Code Name                |
> | [ ] Stable    (potato)                 |
> | [ ] Testing   (woody)                  |
> | [ ] Unstable  (sid)                    |
> |                                        |
> |   < OK>                      <CANCEL>  |
> +----------------------------------------+

I would like to set up our local partial mirror to run without
attendance through multiple releases. If I hard code the release
candidate name into the mirror script, wont it just break when testing
goes stable?

Frisco Rose             "By any other name, I would smell the same"
E.O.U. Stud.             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics                  Mathematics              Computer Science

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