On Sunday 07 January 2001 00:46, Adam Heath wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 08:08:05PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> > >   Please verify lilo.conf by hand and send comments to
> >
> > Also, [EMAIL PROTECTED] would really be better than a specific
> > address.
> Not if he isn't the current maintainer of lilo.


So how do I get registered as the maintainer?  The previous maintainer has 
agreed to me taking it over.  I've uploaded a package with me listed as the 
maintainer (which hasn't worked).  So obviously there's something else I have 
to do.  Could someone please tell me what it is?

I'm sure that I could find it somewhere on the web pages.  But it's 1:30 here 
and I'm staying up late to release a new lilo package to address all the 
issues that have been discussed here and elsewhere...

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