Colin Watson wrote:
> (hmm, I appear to
> have that memorized - I end up grabbing it any time I'm at a public
> Windows-based Internet terminal).

way cool. a mud addict friend of mine always used putty, now i see why :)
you can even do x-win style cut and paste with putty!! i didn't know it
had ssh support.

> For what it's worth, I discovered entirely by accident that if you
> install telnetd-ssl then the telnet client in Windows 98 and above will
> connect to it and seamlessly do SSL negotiation, while of course
> non-SSL-capable telnet clients will still be able to connect insecurely.

that sounds even better. perhaps ms is a good place to work at. :)


Eray (exa) Ozkural
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara

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