In Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:21:30 -0500 safemode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cum veritate 
scripsit :

> I have used tar with gzip and bzip2 in debian unstable and in each case
> users who use older versions of tar ( like 1.13.11 ) were unable to
> decompress it.
> [49: huff+mtf rt+rld]data integrity (CRC) error in data
> and such error messages like that .  This troubles me greatly.  Any info
> about this?    I'm using debian unstable's current tar and bzip2 and
> gzip  to make the tarballs.

To summarize what has been happening in debian-devel, 

The maintainer of tar has decided he wants to change the meaning of
the option -I, the reasoning being that because it is an unstable 
version of tar, the developer can do anything he wishes.

One problem is that the stable version of Debian (potato) included
an unstable version of tar.

The only action taken so far is to update the documentation to reflect
the change of "I" to "j"


dancer, a.k.a. Junichi Uekawa
 Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, Doshisha University.
... Long Live Free Software, LIBERTAS OMNI VINCIT.

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