It used to be gnome-run.  I created my own launcher that first ran a
script to set the "history" on my RH6.1 system (heavily upgraded) that
had Gnome 1.2 on it.  (Or maybe only gnome 1.0.55).

After I installed RH7 I could no longer find the command and my launch
er didn't work.


On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:52:12PM +0100, Dr. Guenter Bechly wrote:
| Hi,
| does anybody know if it is possible to start the built-in run command
| (similar to xexec) of the gnome-panel, outside the gnome desktop, e.g.
| under icewm. I tried to find the command's name but did not succeeed. I
| also tried to find it out by looking into the process-list, but the start
| of the run command is not shown as a separate process under gnome.  If a
| start independent of Gnome should not be possible, I would ITP gRun for
| Debian which does the job very well. Xexec is a pain in the ass, because
| even if the focus is given to the window, you first have to click inside to
| be able to write a command. This is not the case with gRun or the built-in
| command. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
| Cheers,
| Guenter
| -- 
| Linux: Who needs GATES in a world without fences?

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