> Speaking of X, as a member of the beta team (XFree86), I have access to
> the source code for the XF86 betas. Would it be worthwhile setting up
> packages for these in the contrib section? In particular, I'm kind of
> annoyed that if I want support for my W32p (revision A), I have to go
> to 3.1.2E - and it's not available for Debian. Net result: either I
> have proper support for my card, and can't install new X-based packages
> (dpkg barfs at the postinst and configuration stages), or I'm stuck with
> the SVGA server.

Well you can leave the SVGA-server installed and simply add your server
somewhere and let /etc/X11/server (or what is its name) have the right
path to your server.  No dpkg barfing for me.


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