Ian Jackson (after my deletions):
>  * GNU Texinfo ... HTML.
>  * The Linux FAQ ... HTML ...
>  * The Linux HOWTOs ... HTML ...
>  * My new dpkg manuals ... HTML ...
>  * The Perl documentation ... HTML

I think I see a trend here. While HTML is not the perfect format (e.g.,
it lacks the navigation hints in Info), it is still the only common
denominator, and I guess most people will have a web browser installed

We must still support the native versions. Not everyone will want or
prefer a web browser over Info or manual pages.

Debiandoc can handle on-line conversions.  Some of the conversions aren't
too good. For example, texi2html seems to do a better job than info2www,
and I'm told this is inherent. Thus, it would be a good idea to provide
texi2html'd versions of the Info files as optional packages.

The FAQ's, HOWTO's, and other such stuff should also be made available
as optional HTML versions, if one is currently not part of the main

Summary: status quo, but provide optional HTML packages.

This leaves us with the problem of having the same documentation in
several formats installed at the same time, which is usually a waste
of disk space. This is solvable with some programming: provide tools
to identify and remove duplicate documents. It's a SMOP, as long as I
don't have to do it. :-)

Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.iki.fi/liw/>
Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

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