Graham William wrote:

> Package: kernel-image
> Version: 2.0.7-0
> The postinst and prerm scripts of kernel-image have as their first
> line:
>       #! /bin/perl
> My vanilla installation of Debian 1.1 seems to have perl only in
> /usr/bin/perl.

I noticed this too, after having built a base.tar.gz for Debian on m68k.
The bug is not in kernel-headers, but in boot-floppies, which failed
to create the link for the base system. boot-floppies- fixed it. 
The bug report should be closed (I won't do that, I'm not the maintainer ;-),
but a new base should probably be built.

Frank (running a pretty usable 'rex' Debian/m68k for a week now)

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