Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Aug 1996, Andrew Howell wrote:
> > Support writes:
> > > Package: samba
> > > Version: 1.9.16alpha10-1
> > >
> > > When left unattended, the smbd daemon (or several instances of
> > > such) seems to go into some sort of busy look that eats up all of
> > > the processor time of the computer. This seems to occur when no
> > > computers are actually accessing shares exported by samba (i.e. when
> > > the Win95 machines are turned off for the night), but may also occur
> > > at other times (i.e. the only share requested by a just turned on
> > > machine doesn't exist).
> >
> > Yes I've noticed this myself, I'm looking into it.
> I've noticed it on my machines too, but don't use it enough yet to have
> tracked down the exact circumstances which cause it.
> it seems to mostly happen when my (newly built from my "junk" parts
> pile) WfWG3.11 machine accesses directories which don't exist. I've also
> caused it to happen by running the telephone/chat program (whatever it's
> called) which came with WfWG and trying to 'phone' my linux machines.
> my 'fix' is to kill the runaway smbd processes, and also make sure that nmbd
> is killed on all my linux machines.  I don't know why, but it seems as if
> unless nmbd is killed then the smbd processes will just be respawned about 5
> minutes later and start eating up the CPU again.  smbd reacting badly to a
> query from nmbd, perhaps??

The problem with that fix is that it usually goes balistic after we've
left the office for the night.  Version 1.9.15p8 of samba didn't seem to
have that problem.  This might be instructive in looking for what was

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