
I think it was on debian-devel that somebody asked about this subject. I
replied that I had a rather simple setup using the .xserverrc-file, and a
couple of people asked me to mail it to them. So I decided to send it to
the list. Here it follows:


# Generate a random key; Mui and Pearce offer a number of alternatives
# for this.
randomkey=`perl -e 'srand; printf int(rand(100000000000000000))'`
# Add the code to the .Xauthority list for local-host sockets
xauth add $HOST/unix:0 . $randomkey
# Add the code to the .Xauthority list for TCP/IP connections
xauth add $HOST:0 . $randomkey

exec /usr/X11R6/bin/X -auth $HOME/.Xauthority

Sometimes there are some messages on startup about non-hex characters in
the random-key, but it still works AFAIK.


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL  |

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