On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 09:28:02PM -0500, Rahul Jain wrote:
> Unless you care about performace. Which is the main reason to use different
> packages for each CPU type.

I compile my own kernels, and have for a long time. But it's a pain
to go through all the poorly-documented options and takes quite a
while to select those options and actually build a kernel. And then
there's the times I have to go back and recompile because I left out
my mouse drivers, or ide-scsi, or vfat. It's entirely rational to
want to pick up the 10% improvement from hitting the right button in
dselect and not worry about the 20% from recompiling the kernel. 

For a comparison: Remember the libc-i686 packages? I had them
installed when they were available. I can compile my own libc - it
probably wouldn't take more than 10 minutes to find the right switch
to frob, and then compiling time. But I haven't, even for a speed-up
that maybe as big as what the kernel will give you, and I would
reckon that most of the other people that had the libc-i[56]86
packages installed haven't either. It's analogous to the kernel

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
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