Previously Dale Scheetz wrote:
> So, this is a common response from a system that has exhaused both swap
> and real memory? Any good candidates in a "standard" system? I don't do
> anything now that I haven't done for years, so it's probably one of those
> new "features" of Debian, right? ;-)

Without knowing what it is there is little that we can do. Things
have become more bloated though (just look at the pig that is libc)

> I couldn't get top to run while the "event" was occuring, and afterwards
> everything looked ok ... hmmm, I do seem to have a problem here. Mem:
> reports 64K with about 62K in use. So how come the whole 128 meg is not
> being recognized? (it shows up on the memory test at boot)

That's why there is a magic systemrequest :)

> Is there something specific that was fixed between .17 and .19 that would
> bear on my problem?

The VM system, especially for OOM situations like you had.


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