On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 03:53:15PM +1000 , Anthony Towns wrote:
> Hello world,

> + mysql-gpl uploaded 307 days ago, out of date by 297 days!
>       has an RC bug related to php4-mysql in testing (although php4-mysql
>       isn't in testing..)

is mysql-gpl really still needed? shouldn't it be removed instead?
any news one getting php4 into testing? pretty please :))

> + xcdroast uploaded 152 days ago, out of date by 142 days!
>       gtk/setgid problems, see 92230 etc

that's new change in gtk 1.2.9 to disallow suid applications, which I find
> + netscape4.7 uploaded 125 days ago, out of date by 115 days!
>       depends on X3 libs, should remove?

yes, iff it's not needed for !=i386

                                Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Computers are useless. They can only give answers."            Pablo Picasso

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