On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 04:15:15PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Thursday 26 April 2001 09:05, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > _Afair_ it is necessary to run a k6 (or athlon) "optimized" kernel to
> > use 3DNow! in applications like xmms or lame. This probably applys to
> > ISSE, MTTR and MMX, too.

This is not correct.

> There is software available which only runs with MMX.  We should offer a 
> kernel with MMX support which requires Pentium-MMX to support running this.
> For 3DNow! we should have a kernel which supports it.

All kernels, even if compiled with CONFIG_M386, will support
MMX and 3DNow.  It just won't use memcpy_mmx() or memcpy_3d()
as the implementation of memcpy().  The important part is
saving the correct number of FP registers, which is done.

> There is no need for a MTTR specific kernel.

Right.  You compile kernels with CONFIG_MTRR=y, and the kernel
will detect if the processor supports it at run-time.

> (I am sure that I could find a list of a 
> dozen boolean options which are all needed to be in one state or another for 
> various broken hardware - we can't provide 2^12 kernels).

If you were to report this as a kernel bug, it would probably
be fixed quickly.  i386 CONFIG_ dependencies are designed
reasonably enough that you can expect to build one kernel
that runs on most hardware (apart from non-arch driver issues.)

> Also I think that we should have an SMP kernel in the list.

We could have one kernel with CONFIG_SMP=y.  It doesn't conflict
with other things, although this is an option that is likely to
be on your list above.  CONFIG_M386 is one as well, since the
kernel can't use the better locking primitives that appeared
in the 486.

I'd like to see a single binary kernel (or two, because I'm
suspicious about CONFIG_M386), and an easy system that allows
you to build one of a set of standard kernels, i.e., a kernel
that has everything enabled as modules, but varies in optimized
processor, SMP, high memory support, etc.  In particular, I don't
think it's appropriate (in the idea I'm describing) to present
the user with questions such as "Do you want APM support?" --
compile it in or as a module, and figure it out at run-time.
In fact, most of the options could be auto-detected from

It could also be useful as a hardware tester at install time:
"Would you like to test your hardware (and get a kernel custom
build for your hardware at the same time)?  This process will
potentially take a long time."  (Yes, I realize this idea is
a bit crazier than average.)


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