> On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > Yes there is:
> >
> > [12:36:41 /tmp]$ ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/available
> > -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      2547713 Apr 25 00:46 
> > /var/lib/dpkg/available
> > [12:39:36 /tmp]$ od -cj 2547700 /var/lib/dpkg/available
> > 11557764   c   e   9   1   8   0   f   a   4   2   d   f  \n
> > 11560001
> > [12:39:42 /tmp]$
> >
> > and
> >     dpkg -l doc-linux-text
> > works too. I do not know what was changed.
> No, there is no final new line.
> debian-devel1:/# od -cj 5199880 /var/lib/dpkg/available
> 23654010   r   d   .  \n  \n
> It looks like the file got truncated.  Disk corruption?  What apt-cache
> dumpavail(called from dselect [2]) interrupted?

I am not sure but the reason could also be a problem with a local server.
At least for now, after an apt-get update from another server, it looks O.K:
1) The size of the file has grown a lot.
2) Now there is the terminating \n\n. 
[22:49:47 /tmp]$ od -cj 4462910 /var/lib/dpkg/available
21014476       f   o   r   m   s   .  \n  \n
[22:52:04 /tmp]$ 
3) The Description is the last field.

I will watch it.
Thank you for the help.
        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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