Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> Hi all
> I notice there are these new-fangled motherboards with 2*ATA-100 and
> 2*ATA-33 ports. With 75GB disks, that baby should give us 600GB of raw
> disk space (8 drives) at around $2K US. Sounds attractive, considering
> that el-cheapo RAID boxes of similar capacity are around $10K.
> Anyone runs [Debian] Linux on an 8-drive box like that? Is that
> supported at all? Any gotchas I should know about? The mobo I'm looking
> at is ABIT BH6-II.

It's supported.  I don't know about your motherboard.  I have a 
Promise Ultra 100 on an older MB.  Just make sure your power 
supply is up to it.  I patched a 2.2.18 kernel to add support 
for the Ultra 100.  Beyond that it's stock.  Note, I had to make
the /dev/hd[efgh]* devices.  Sofar I haven't done anything with
raiding them.  A friend's experience shows that raid 0 and 1, 
striping and mirroring, works quite nicely and fast while raid 
5 is slow.  This is due to the CPU having to calculate the raid 
5 checks blocks.

The major issue I've run into is finding places for my 6 HDs.  
I ended up using a couple plates of metal to make a short tower 
to hold 4 of them in front of a fan.

This is the df from my system.
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1               120995    100189     14558  88% /
/dev/hdc2              3937316    531616   3205688  15% /tmp
/dev/hdd2              3937316    317652   3419652   9% /var
/dev/hdc3             25486572   2089916  22878796   9% /usr
/dev/hdd3             25486572  12028780  12939932  49% /home
/dev/hde2             44171784  38973680   4307648  91% /data1
/dev/hdg2             44171784  37325684   5955644  87% /data2
/dev/hdh2             79227344  67338352  11093560  86% /data3
/dev/hda5             11542670   9426807   2115863  82% /winE

|  Bryan Andersen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.nerdvest.com   |
| Buzzwords are like annoying little flies that deserve to be swatted. |
|   -Bryan Andersen                                                    |

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