On 27 Apr 2001, Christian Marillat wrote:

> *You* are a serious problem.

> If you don't want to change your configuration each time you did a apt-get
> upgrade, then install potato.

> testing/unstable is for real men (tm).

In that case, perhaps these packages should be removed from testing.  The
purpose of testing is to prepare these packages for release as a stable
distribution.  If you're not interested in providing a clean upgrade path from
potato and fixing bugs that *will cause problems* for users who upgrade, then
there's no sense in continuing the charade.

The community expects Debian to be more than a collection of software
packages; they expect Debian to be a well-integrated operating *system*.
Whether or not you feel it's your responsibility to fix the problem, denying
that the problem exists is not going to help our users.

> TB> When he said "I can do nothing" he closed the bug.  I replied "yes you
> TB> can do something" and reopened it, and he elected to mark it wontfix.

> TB> Now, wontfix is for specific reasons, and "I don't want to bother
> TB> forwarding the bug upstream" is just not an adequate reason.

> This is my last post about this flamewar.

> Maybe I'll reply to constructive post.

If you don't reply, I hope you at least think about how your decisions could
affect the perception of Debian as a whole.  GNOME is a very widely-used
destkop system; if this bug is present when woody is released, a lot of people
are going to see it.  Do you think they'll blame the upstream, or do you think
they'll blame us?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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