Ian Jackson writes:
> 2. Package copyright
> --------------------
>      Please study the copyright of your submission *carefully* and
>      understand it before proceeding. If you have doubts or questions,
>      please ask.
>      The aims of the policy detailed below are: 
>         * That any user be able to rebuild any package in the official
>           Debian distribution from the original source plus our patches.

Ahem, this isn't exact enough IMO. With a standard Debian system I am able
to rebuild LyX. 

> [...]
>      All packages in the Debian distribution proper must be freely useable,
>      modifiable and redistributable in both source and binary form. It must
>      be possible for anyone to distribute and use modified source code and
>      their own own compiled binaries, at least when they do so as part of a
>      Debian distribution.

That's exactly the point. I cannot recompile any package that uses Motif
since I don't have it. But I can recompile LyX since we have an xforms
package available. 


Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
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