Package: bash
Version: 1.14.6-4

I've confirmed that this is a problem on i386.

>Resent-Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 05:42:28 +1000
>Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 15:35:51 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Brian Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Best of Security <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>X-Mailing-List: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> archive/latest/248
>Precedence: list
>Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: BoS: BUG in /bin/bash (fwd)
>Brian Mitchell
>"I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell"
>- H. Truman
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>                           EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICE
>                          SECURITY VULNERABILITY ALERT
>21 August 1996 13:00 GMT                         Number:
>                             VULNERABILITY  SUMMARY
>VULNERABILITY:  A variable declaration error in "bash" allows the character
>                with value 255 decimal to be used as a command separator.
>PLATFORMS:      Bash 1.14.6 and earlier versions.
>SOLUTION:       Apply the patch provided below.
>THREAT:         When used in environments where users provide strings to be
>                used as commands or arguments to commands, "bash" can be
>                tricked into executing arbitrary commands.
>                              DETAILED INFORMATION
>I. Description
>   A. Introduction
>      The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell ("bash") is a drop-in replacement
>      for the UNIX Bourne shell (/bin/sh).  It offers the same syntax as the
>      standard shell, but also includes additional functionality such as job
>      control, command line editing, and history.
>      Although "bash" can be compiled and installed on almost any UNIX
>      platform, its most prevalent use is on "free" versions of UNIX such as
>      Linux, where it has been installed as "/bin/sh" (the default shell for
>      most uses).
>      The "bash" source code is freely available from many sites on the
>      Internet.
>   B. Vulnerability Details
>      There is a variable declaration error in the "yy_string_get()" function
>      in the "parser.y" module of the "bash" source code.  This function is
>      responsible for parsing the user-provided command line into separate
>      tokens (commands, special characters, arguments, etc.).  The error
>      involves the variable "string," which has been declared to be of type
>      "char *."
>      The "string" variable is used to traverse the character string
>      containing the command line to be parsed.  As characters are retrieved
>      from this pointer, they are stored in a variable of type "int."  On
>      systems/compilers where the "char" type defaults to "signed char", this
>      vaule will be sign-extended when it is assigned to the "int" variable.
>      For character code 255 decimal (-1 in two's complement form), this sign
>      extension results in the value (-1) being assigned to the integer.
>      However, (-1) is used in other parts of the parser to indicate the end
>      of a command.  Thus, the character code 255 decimal (377 octal) will
>      serve as an unintended command separator for commands given to "bash"
>      via the "-c" option.  For example,
>        bash -c 'ls\377who'
>      (where "\377" represents the single character with value 255 decimal)
>      will execute two commands, "ls" and "who."
>II. Impact
>This unexpected command separator can be dangerous, especially on systems such
>as Linux where "bash" has been installed as "/bin/sh," when a program executes
>a command with a string provided by a user as an argument using the "system()"
>or "popen()" functions (or by calling "/bin/sh -c string" directly)..
>This is especially true for the CGI programming interface in World Wide Web
>servers, many of which do not strip out characters with value 255 decimal.  If
>a user sending data to the server can specify the character code 255 in a
>string that is passed to a shell, and that shell is "bash," the user can
>execute any arbitrary command with the user-id and permissions of the user
>running the server (frequently "root").
>The "bash" built-in commands "eval," "source," and "fc" are also potentially
>vulnerable to this problem.
>III. Solutions
>   A. How to alleviate the problem
>      This problem can be alleviated by changing the declaration of the
>      "string" variable in the "yy_string_get()" function from "char *" to
>      "unsigned char *."
>   B. Official fix from the "bash" maintainers
>      The "bash" maintainers have told us they plan to fix this problem in
>      Version 2.0 of "bash," but this will not be released for at least a few
>      more months.
>   C. Unofficial fix until the official version is released
>      Until the "bash" maintainers release Version 2.0, this problem can be
>      fixed by applying the patch below to the "bash" source code, recompiling
>      the program, and installing the new version.
>      The patch below is for Version 1.14.6 of "bash."  Source code for this
>      version can be obtained from
>      as well as many other sites around the Internet.
>---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
>*** parse.y.old Thu Nov  2 15:00:51 1995
>--- parse.y     Tue Aug 20 09:16:48 1996
>*** 904,910 ****
>  static int
>  yy_string_get ()
>  {
>!   register char *string;
>    register int c;
>    string = bash_input.location.string;
>--- 904,910 ----
>  static int
>  yy_string_get ()
>  {
>!   register unsigned char *string;
>    register int c;
>    string = bash_input.location.string;
>---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
>      To apply this patch, save the text between the two "--- cut here ---"
>      lines to a file, change directories to the "bash" source directory, and
>      issue the command
>        patch < filename
>      If you do not have the "patch" program, you can obtain it from
>      or you can apply the patch by hand.
>      After applying the patch, recompile and reinstall the "bash" program by
>      following the directions in the "INSTALL" file, included as part of the
>      "bash" distribution.
>      This patch is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, including,
>      without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness
>      for a particular purpose.  This advisory does not create or imply any
>      support obligations or any other liability on the part of IBM or its
>      subsidiaries.
>IV. Acknowledgements
>IBM-ERS would like to thank the IBM Global Security Analysis Laboratory at the
>IBM T. J. Watson Research Center for their discovery of this vulnerability,
>bringing it to our attention, providing the patch to fix it, and assistance in
>developing this alert.
>UNIX is a technology trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd.
>IBM's Internet Emergency Response Service (IBM-ERS) is a subscription-based
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>As a part of IBM's Business Recovery Services organization, the IBM Internet
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>[EMAIL PROTECTED], or call 1-800-742-2493 (Prompt 4).
>IBM-ERS maintains a site on the World Wide Web at
>Visit the site for information about the service, copies of security alerts,
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>"Pretty Good Privacy" and "PGP" are trademarks of Philip Zimmerman.
>IBM-ERS is a Member Team of the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
>(FIRST), a global organization established to foster cooperation and response
>coordination among computer security teams worldwide.
>Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corporation.
>The information in this document is provided as a service to customers of
>the IBM Emergency Response Service.  Neither International Business Machines
>Corporation, Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation, nor any of their
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>Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by
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>The material in this security alert may be reproduced and distributed,
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>This security alert may be reproduced and distributed, without permission,
>in its entirety only, by any person provided such reproduction and/or
>distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes and with the intent of
>increasing the awareness of the Internet community.

Shields, CrossLink.

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