On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 01:38:38PM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
> Anyway, I would like to have an smp kernel readily available in Debian.
> Mandrake for example installs the SMP kernel by default if the target
> machine is a smp box. If another kernel-image is needed to support that
> I can life with only UP.
> Basically I don't care if our distributed kernels squeeze the last 10%
> out of the processor(s). But in an ideal world it should at least support all
> installed processors so that I don't lose 100% compared to a custom kernel. 
> Anyway, if it's impossible to do that without adding bloat I can do without.
Instead of creating lots of different kernel-image packages what about
a package that can create a kernel-image from source and gives you a list of
some more or less generic kernel to choose from?


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