On Wed, 2 May 2001, Chris Waters wrote:

> Just wanted to let people know that I'm going to hijack the
> pilot-manager package.  The current maintainer seems to be completely
> MIA; he hasn't uploaded a version in over a year.  I emailed him and

He seems to be MIA: How often did you try to contact him and how long ago?
(always remember that most of us work for Debian in our spare time).

> got no response.  I use the package, and I did the most recent NMU.
> I'm cc'ing him this message -- Darren, you can have it back for the
> asking, but for now, it's mine, mine, all mine!  Mwuah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!

Haeh? This sounds a bit as if you are kidding...

> Expect an upload as soon as I sort through the bug list a bit.
> cheers
> p.s.  I wonder if we shouldn't add ITH as an official category in
> WNPP.  It's something that's probably going to come up more and more
> as more developers become MIA over time.

Martin usually marks packages of MIA maintainers as orphaned. I think it's
better if a few persons take care of this instead of many more people
sending ITHs.



Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

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