On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 08:30:10AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 08:42:04PM +0200, PiotR wrote:
> > If you short circuit both PS's outputs then the voltage is the same and 
> > there won't be any reverse current, neither in the data cables. So te load 
> > will be distributed between both PS. 
> In power combining applications like these, balancing diodes
> or resistors are usually used. It's not good just to connect
> the outputs together.

What's the difference between those and a standard diode?
I think if you use a diode to connect the outputs you are limiting the current 
flow in one way only. And why would you want to do this?
Also I didn't understood why Alvin said "If one PS dies you are dead" I believe 
it will only fail to power those drives attached to them.

> Hamish
> -- 
Pedro Larroy Tovar. PiotR | http://omega.resa.es/piotr/

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