Package: general
Version: 20010504
Severity: normal

I've problem with receiving uucp feed. 

Sending works ok
uucico dixie - (2001-05-04 12:19:38.72 31948) Handshake successful (protocol 
uucico dixie news (2001-05-04 12:19:38.73 31948) Receiving rnews (576 bytes)
uucico dixie - (2001-05-04 12:19:38.77 31948) Call complete (2 seconds 576 
bytes 288 bps)
uuxqt dixie news (2001-05-04 12:19:40.78 31955) Executing X.dixied001A (rnews)
uuxqt dixie news (2001-05-04 12:19:40.78 31955) ERROR: Execution: Exit status 1
uuxqt dixie news (2001-05-04 12:19:40.78 31955) Execution failed (X.dixied001A)

Problemm appeared few days ago after apt-get upgrade. I think it is
connected with permissions of rnews but I'm not sure. I've tested some
settings but w/o success. 

Original settings are:

-r-x------    1 news     news        35900 lut 21 01:19 rnews

service uucp
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no    
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/uucico
        server_args     = -l

-- System Information
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Kernel Version: Linux rabarbar 2.4.2-ac28 #2 SMP Fri Mar 30 14:47:54 CEST 2001 
i686 unknown

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