On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 12:39:48PM -0700, David Whedon wrote:
> Sat, May 05, 2001 at 08:43:30PM +0200 wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am maintaing the Debian package puzzle and have a problem
> > with the new upstream version. The package and program has been
> > renamed by upstream to tree-puzzle, because there was a conflict
> > with another program named puzzle.
> > I was considering to make a new package tree-puzzle which conflicts
> > and replaces puzzle, but this way the users of puzzle would not get
> > the automatical upgrade of this new upstream version with 'apt-get
> > upgrade'.
> > Thus, how can I automatically replace the package puzzle with the
> > new package tree-puzzle?
> This is discussed in the Developer's Reference [1]:
> 9.3 Replacing or renaming packages
> Sometimes you made a mistake naming the package and you need to rename it. In
> this case, you need to follow a two-step process. First, set your 
> debian/control
> file to replace and conflict with the obsolete name of the package (see the
> Debian Policy Manual for details). Once you've uploaded that package, and the
> package has moved into the archive, file a bug against ftp.debian.org asking 
> to
> remove the package with the obsolete name.

Just out of curiosity: what happens if an unrelated package with the
old, obsoleted name is introduced into the archive?  

In the case in hand, upstream renamed puzzle -> tree-puzzle precisely
because there exists something with the name puzzle.  If that other
puzzle got put into debian, there could be great confusion.

Has this ever happened?


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