On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 12:00:34PM +0200, Just a friendly Jedi Knight wrote:
> On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 09:58:02PM -0500, Rahul Jain wrote:
> > On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 12:03:43AM +0200, Just a friendly Jedi Knight wrote:
> > you should stick to gcc 2.95 for compiling the kernel, and probably the
> > userspace tools, too.
>  Most probably you are right.. I used gcc-3.0 because i heard that it
>  compiles reiserfs code (big endian) correctly. So far i have no problems
>  with kernel built with gcc-3.0 

I don't really know of anyone who's using a gcc-3.0-compiled XFS kernel. You
might want to check on the mailing list as to how well it does with XFS.

>  If it's not clear it's libxfs.a (which is in the same source tree) that
>  causes problems.. There is no error while compiling sources of libxfs
>  itself. Only when ld tries to link with that (freshly built) library
> > 
> > maybe your GCC isn't inlining the function?
>  most probably this is the case.. I thought it's matter of optimization but i
>  get the same even if i turn off optimization (-O0)

You need MORE optimization to enable inlining. Inlining reduces debuggability
and increases executable size for the benefit of not having to set up a whole
new stack frame and possibly being able to optimize the function in the special
context of where it's called from. Maybe -O2 will fix it?

> > note that this declaration has "/* ick */" on the line above it. But I think
> > the relocation truncated to fit: R_PPC_REL24 __fswab64 messages are 
> > important.
>  From what i gather it just can't find code for __fswab64 "function".

I have no idea how an extern inline function should be compiled, so I can't
really say what gcc should be doing here...

-> -/-                       - Rahul Jain -                       -\- <-
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